Warena launches Guild System with Staking, Chatting and many more

8 min readJul 13, 2022


1. Overview

Guilds are linked to the land system in Emporia 3D. Therefore, players need to own land to create a Guild. The Guild feature allows players to connect with other players in the game. Through the Guild system, players can participate in some features only available to members in the Guild. New features include:

  • Chat
  • Market
  • Contribution
  • Quests

Each Guild is an NFT belonging to the Guild owner, and Guilds can be traded between players. Once the Guild is sold, the entire Guild will be transferred to the new Guild owner.

A player who currently doesn’t have Land can enter Warena 3D: Emporia Saga gameplay if he/she is a Guild member and play within the Guild Land.

Important notes:

  • Guild Land is the Land where all the guild members can access its Resource Points in the 3D Game. Guild also has its own Guild building.
  • Normal Land is the Land that doesn’t have a Guild created and only the owner can access its Resource Points in 3D Game.

2. Guild Characteristic

A Guild has the following characteristics: name, emblem, description, number of members, level, and land.

2.1. Name

The name of the Guild. The Guild owner will set the name when creating the Guild. This name is unique across the server. The Guild name will be displayed on the Guild list and the information section.

2.2. Emblem

The symbol of the Guild. An emblem is composed of flags, symbols, colors, and symbol colors. There are 30 shapes, 10 symbols, and 10 colors. The Guild owner creates the emblem for the Guild by choosing shapes, symbols, and colors according to the given system. The emblem will be displayed on the Guild list and Information section.

2.3. Land

The land of the Guild. The Guild owner must first own land to form a Guild. Players can view the land on the Emporia 3D map.

2.4. Description

Display Guild description, content compiled by Guild Leader. The description will be displayed in the Guild information section.

2.5. Level & Member

Level will be the stat allowing certain functions to be accessed by the Guild, including the Market feature, the number of members in the Guild, and the % of staking reward.

To increase the Level, Guild members must join in the contribution process. Points used to upgrade are calculated by accumulating Contribution Points each time a member contributes. The level will show on the Guild list and Guild information.

Each Guild has a maximum number of members depending on the Guild’s level. The number of members and the maximum number of members will be displayed on the Guild list and in the Guild information section.

3. Guild Resources

There are 2 significant resources players can earn and use when joining the Guild:

  • Contribution Points: Used to upgrade the Guild and calculate the rewards from staking. Players can get it when using the Contribution feature.
  • Guild Currency: Used to buy items in the market. Players can get it through the Contribution and Daily Quest.

4. Guild Role

Each Guild will have 3 roles: Guild leader, Senior, and Junior.

4.1. Guild Leader

Known as a Guild owner, Guild Leader owns Guild properties including land, members and has the right to access Guild features including:

  • Market
  • Contribution
  • Chat
  • Guild Manager

4.2. Senior

This is an auto-role granted to members who have already used Guild’s contribution and received their first rewards in Staking. Senior guild members also have access to Guild features including:

  • Market
  • Contribution
  • Chat

4.3. Junior

This is the base role granted when new players join the Guild. Junior guild members can access Guild features, including:

  • Market
  • Contribution
  • Chat

5. Guild Function

5.1. Create a Guild

To create a Guild, players must own a Land NFT and have 200 RENA for the creation fee. Once players meet these two criteria, they can access the Create Guild button on their land. Each Land NFT can have one Guild created.

Create your own Guild at https://emporia.warena.io/emporia

Once you created a Guild Land, you cannot convert it back into Normal land.

The name limit for each Guild is 30 characters, and the description limit is 150 characters. Name and Description cannot contain words on the blocklist.

5.2. Join and Leave

Players can Send Requests to the Guild they want to join in the Guild List. Each player can send up to 20 join requests. The request will be automatically deleted after seven days from the time of sending, or if the player has joined another Guild. Only Guild Leaders can confirm or deny the requests. If one request is granted before another, the player will join that Guild, and other requests will be void.

Players can leave the current Guild to join new Guilds by clicking the LEAVE button on the Guild Information tab. If the player is a Senior, they will receive back the RENA they staked and cannot continue to stake until they enter a new Guild.

5.3. Guild Information

All Guild members can view their Guild information. Guild information includes Guild name, level, description, number of current members, and rank of Guild members by Contribution Point. The rank of Guild members does not reset.

5.4. Guild Manager

Only Guild Leaders can access Guild Manager. The feature helps Guild Leader to edit and manage Guild members with the following features:

  • Rename: The Guild Leader can change the Guild name. Each Rename costs 5000 WARE.
  • Description: The Guild Leader can change the description of the Guild. Free of charge.
  • Approve member: Every time someone wants to join the Guild, the Guild Leader will receive an in-game mail notification. The Guild Leader has the right to accept or reject that request.
  • Remove member: The Guild Leader can remove any member from the Guild. That member will receive in-game mail regarding the removal. There will be a seven-day countdown before officially being removed for those who have RENA staking progress in the Guild. Removed members must claim the RENA and interest within the seven-day countdown.

5.5. Chat

All Guild members can use this chat room to talk to other Guild members. The chat will show the latest 50 messages and can store up to 1000 messages simultaneously.

5.6. Contribution

All Guild members can use this feature to burn WARE and stake RENA. There are two metrics players need to focus on:

  • Contribution Point: 1 Rena stake = 1 Contribution Point.
  • Capacity: the amount of RENA they can stake. Guild members need to burn WARE to increase Capacity with the ratio of 160 WARE = 1 RENA. After that, members can go to Emporia to stake RENA and earn Contribution Point for your Guild. The minimum amount for each time of stake is 20 RENA and a seven-day period till the next Stake.

During the staking cycle, if a player clicks on Contribution, they will be redirected to the interest detailed tab. At the end of the staking cycle, the reward includes interest and Guild Currency at the rate of 4 RENA Stake = 1 Guild Currency. After 4 hours from the end of the staking cycle, the system will automatically stake the same amount of RENA as the previous cycle if the players don’t claim their interest. Auto-stake can be done 4 times, after that the player must revoke their stake to stake again.

Guild Currency will be reset if the player leaves or is removed from the Guild.

5.7. Market

All Guild members can use Market to buy Minerals and Materials for NFT level up and skill upgrade with either WARE or Guild Currency. Each player has a certain amount of items that can be purchased per day. This amount will be reset daily and not be accumulated.

For each Guild level, there will be fixed slots for items to appear in the Market. Items shown will be randomly generated daily.

6. Guild Reward

6.1. Quest

Guild quests are repeatable quests that can be acquired and completed once per day in the Warena game. These quests have significantly better rewards than other quests since it comes with daily rewards.

6.2. Staking

Players who contribute and stake Rena will receive rewards at the end of the staking cycle.

The Guild Leader will benefit 5% of the Staking reward of Guild Members. The system will collect 4% from the players’ Staking Reward.

What are you waiting for! Discover all the new possibilities and ways you can socialize, interact and level up using the Guild system. There has never been a better time to start your Guild today!

About Warena

Warena is a cross-chain play-to-earn sandbox game that is part of the Emporia Metaverse. Character-driven NFT fight for the survival of earth in an amazing post-apocalyptic sci-fi world. Emporia is the virtual world in which Warena takes place. Emporia is a finite virtual space that is purchasable, transferable, and mineable, featuring endless player utility and a variety of active and passive ways to utilize your assets to get the most out of the platform. Emporia has its own decentralized finance zone (Eshuya city) and variable terrains that provide different types of benefits to the owner based on location and topography. PLAY, EXPERIENCE, and MONETIZE using your in-game assets in a large variety of minigames and in-game activities.

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Warena 3D has arrived! Explore an expansive virtual world where you can form guilds, farm, hunt, gather, and play games, all using in-game assets.